Information for professionals

We know creating strong partnerships with professionals is really important, so together we can help the families who need support most.

Anyone who works with families can refer parents and families to us. This includes health professionals such as midwives, community nurses and health visitors. It also includes social workers, family support workers, teachers, community groups and charities.

If you think someone could use our support, please don’t hesitate to refer them to us using our simple online form below.

What’s the criteria for referrals?

We don’t have a set criteria. Simply put: if you think a family you work with is struggling to provide food, nappies, clothes, toys or equipment for their child, we are happy to receive your referral and to help them.

How do I make a referral?

Simply fill out our short online form below.

What will happen once I make my referral?

We’ll get in touch with you, and let you know if the items you’ve asked for are in stock. We’ll ask if you can pick up the items. We can try to source anything we don’t have in stock.

Can parents and families refer themselves?

Yes – parents and families can contact us to talk through what they need. Or they can come along to our friendly drop-in sessions at 28 Market Street, Perth, PH1 5QH on Tuesdays from 10am-12noon and on Wednesdays from 9.30am-11.30am, where a volunteer will be happy to help them choose what they need.

What geographical area do you cover?

We can help families and parents all over the Perth and Kinross Council area.

What things do you offer?

We offer nappies, wipes, toiletries and food along with new and nearly new equipment, clothes, shoes, bedding, cots, prams, toys and more. We focus on children aged 0-6, but we do have clothes and shoes for older children too.

Is what you offer good quality?

Our volunteers do an amazing job sorting through donations to make sure equipment is in good working order, clothes are clean, shoes are good quality, and toys and games are complete. We take pride in passing on items in good condition.

When can I or parents pick up supplies?

We hold two sessions each week at 28 Market Street where parents, families and professionals can drop in to pick up baby essentials. They are on Tuesdays from 10am-12noon and on Wednesdays from 9.30am-11.30am.

Do you deliver supplies?

We encourage parents and families to come to us where possible. At the moment, we’re struggling to deliver due to a lack of volunteer drivers. 

Make a referral

If you’re a health or social care professional and want to refer a family to us for support, please fill out the form below.